Information about our site is a site you can use to find both new and old friends. We offer our users a great environment to get to know and to contact others easily either anonymously by random or being known through a profile. The site was founded in 2011 and there are thousands of users so that everyone is sure to find suitable friends close enough so that you could meet them outside of FriendPic and have fun. Registration and usage is completely free. Although our site is free we still offer you many features from blogs to polls.

Ikärajaksi olemme asettaneet 15 vuotta, jotta palvelun kokonaisuutta olisi helppo hallinnoida eikä ongelmatapauksia muodostuisi niin paljoa. Taitavat moderaattorimme poistavat ongelmatapauksia ja vahtivat yleistä rauhaa Randomissa. Etenkin nuorten kohdalla pyrimme puuttumaan asioihin nopeasti, jotta vanhemmat voisivat olla rauhassa.

However, problems can always remain and you can notify of them through each user's profile using the Report-function. In other cases you can contact our customer service [email protected]. We aim to answer and solve all of your problems as fast as possible.



Q: Can I register on this site?
A: Kyllä, jos olet 15 vuotta täyttänyt ja hyväksyt sivustomme käyttöehdot. Alle 18-vuotiaalla täytyy olla vanhempien suostumus ja alle 15-vuotiaat eivät saa rekisteröityä.

Q: How do you use my account data?
A: You can find our privacy policy from this link.

Use of site

Q: Log in complains about a false password/username?
A: You have probably written your username or password incorrectly. It's also possible that we have deleted your account due to abusive use, for example.

Q: Is it certain that I am anonymous in the chat?
A: Yes, we won't share any information about you to the other user. You will share the information yourself if you want to.

Q: I faced spam or inappropriate material in a chat. What can I do?
A: In a chat you can leave a report and the administration will check it and take actions to fix things.

Q: Why are my pictures being deleted?
A: The pictures you added do not fill the terms of service.

Q: How do I remove my picture?
A: Press the "Delete picture" button above the picture.

Q: How do I remove my profile from your site?
A: You can access the removal of your account by pressing here. You'll need your password for the removal. Delete your account with consideration because the administration always helps with problematic situations.

Q: I have a question which isn't here.
A: You can ask questions from the administration, moderators or by e-mail at any time. We will add questions here when needed.

Problematic situations

Q: My Private chat doesn't work/isn't visible. What to do?
A: Wipe cookies used by

Q: Someone has stolen my pictures to your site. What do I do?
A: Contact administration immediately via email ([email protected]) when you are suspecting that your pictures have been used without permission or that someone has posed as you on our site. We can delete the pictures and keep possible information for the police.

Q: I am being harassed constantly. What to do?
A: Put the user on your black list (found in the user's profile). If the harassment continues, contact administration.

Q: I came across illegal material on the site. What to do?
A: Contact administration.

Q: I came across sexual harassment towards underaged on the site. What to do?
A: Contact administration.

Q: I bought credits but didn't receive them?
A: Contact administration immediately via email ([email protected]) and we will investigate the matter. If the payment has arrived you'll get your credits.


Q: I am interested in advertising on your site.
A: It's completely possible. Read our Advertise with Us and contact us!

Q: Where are the site's emoticons from?
A: Emoticons are offered for free by Emoji One.

En löytänyt vastausta

Ota yhteys ylläpitoon sähköpostitse [email protected] . Jos asiasi koskee tiettyä käyttäjätunnusta, niin kerrothan sen viestissäsi helpoittaaksesi asiointia.